MCAP | Media and Communication Academic Professionals

MCAP Membership

Membership Categories

1. Full membership

2. Associate membership

3. Honorary membership


1. Full Membership

Academicians of public and private universities and colleges employed in the department of mass communication/communication studies/media studies/journalism can be a member and are eligible to cast votes.


2. Associate Membership

1. Visiting academics of public, and private universities and colleges in the department of mass communication/communication studies media studies/journalism can be an associate member.

2. Scholars enrolled in MPhil and Ph.D. programs of public, and private universities and colleges in the department of mass communication/communication studies media studies/journalism can be associate members.

3. Students who have completed their MPhil can continue with associate membership after five years of their degree completion.


3. Honorary Membership

1. The Executive Committee will nominate honorary members.

2. Any person who has been a Chancellor or Vice Chancellor of the University.

3. Any retired professor of mass communication/communication studies media studies/journalism subject.

4. Senior Media Professionals/Journalists with more than ten years of experience.